Friday, 26 September 2008


I cried with laughter then felt sorry for the guy then laughed again!

click here
for mega laughing and pain.
The Phelps you DIDnT see...

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Snow Dalek

Btw guys to show vids you click the 'more info' bit on the video page and then copy-paste the embed code into the edit html bit of the blogger post.

Obama Llama Duck

*does not know how to add youtub vid to blog*

Fia, du bist ein weiser Hase.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Star bankers

Cos bankers have nothing better to do with thier time with the credit crunch and all..

Ah memories...

A short time ago on a hillclimb not far away I spent what was undoubtedly one of the best days of my life at the Festival of Speed with Fia and Steph.

Parts of that day which I remember fondly include the Honda site where they had the bean bag chairs which were great fun to leap into, posing next to the F1 liveried Honda lawnmower with my umbrella to give the impression I was about to fly away in a Mary Poppins fashion.

Also rather funny to have me being a twit and not figuring out where Steph and Fia were sitting in the supercar paddock. I was rushing about the place trying to take pictures of all the cars as they were being driven out for the hillclimb after I got a text from Fia saying "Think fast", I then got another one saying "Think faster" so I started thinking that perhaps she had gotten better pics than me or she was telling me all the cars were going. But being the twit I was I had forgotten to notice that Fia/Steph were nowhere to be seen and weren't awe-struck by the Veyrons on display. So then I started looking for them and stood by the Veyrons when I got a text from Fia saying "Look up =]", of course I took this literally and looked straight up at the clouds and was briefly confused until I was finally assured that they were sitting at the cafe all that time =].

Also twiddling the paper fans was fun too, every time I watch that video I took of Fia with her fan I always smile.

So yeah it was a great day to have spent with them and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Monday, 22 September 2008


Scarf Im sorry but I am deleting your post named "resurection of the randomer society" for one simple reason in my rss reader I have it 300times it downloads every hour I have spoke to blogger about it and it is a fault on the post.

Memories coming soon....

Memorayyyy NOTE.

Those are precious memories to me folks :3 feel privileged.


Man I love having notifications when blogs are updated. It's such a great thing to make life easy. *hugs Firefox*

Hrmm... memories. Let's start with a really really recent one. Like, 5 minutes ago sort of recent. Basically, after being drenched in rain from walking doggums with Imi I got home and talked with mum and then went to my room. What did I see? Two icky icky spiders at the top of my curtains. I inspected further and found that one had actually made a spiderweb. So I get two tissues and SQUISH the one on the web first. That was okay until I made sure it was dead by squishing further. The sound and sensation was HORRIBLE... because it went "pop". Literally. Ewwwwww. I then did the same with the other but thankfully that one didn't go pop... gross. But I tried to get it and it ran away and I thought it fell on my head so I dropped the tissues with the dead spider in and was like AHHH and stood up on chair. Then I saw it hanging on a thread and was like "AHA YOU'RE DOOMED NOW" and they're both now resting in tissue-y wall-e peace in my bin (:

Wonderful eh? Memory though. Hrm. What don't people already know of - getting double takes of stories can get annoying even if I remember more bits of it and so some stuff is new. Dude I seriously still cant feel my big toe. Is that bad? *pokes it* You can tell I have too much time on my hands and also don't care much about myself... I really should a little more atleast... Fudge DaftManiacs blog for tomorrow!!!

Anyway. OH wow! I remember as a little kid... I'm not entirely sure where in the country I lived at the time. It was either Sherwood area or Leicester, I think it was the former, but basically I was with some kids group thing I believe and this one day we got to go out to a theme park. I was really small though at the time so the memories are hazy but at the theme park I remember going on this one ride, a banana-boat ish one which is the big sailing ship that rocks backwards and forwards and I hated the sensation you got and wanted off. I really felt totally faint and crap afterwards and people wanted to go on it again so I just waited by the entrance. Also, at that day I remember going into this haunted house place where you all went into this one room and the floor was wooden and when it all started the lights flashed on but to a hazy sort of flickering level and smoke came out up of the floor and stuff then there was this painting on the wall and it was sort of holographic and it started talking and shiz and basically... it scared me to no end and I hated that to bits too. I cant remember if I went through the whole thing or forced whoever was with me out.

I also have a funny memory from that trip too. Whilst we were in the toilets having a sorta bathroom break on a trip sorta moment, I think the toilets were either mixed gender or kids didn't give a damn but whilst seeing if the toilets were free I recall pushing the doors and then one opening and I saw a boy and it was just one of those "oopsie... *walk away*... *lol*" moments XD.

Wow who thought I'd recall that up! I also have vague memories of being somewhere else on a trip and wanting to buy this toy bow and arrow from a store. This blog is gonna live folks (:

Thanks Nemo~



Tilgate was pretty fun, was it not?
i was thinking... what if we could all have a huuuuge pillow fight, i do love a good pillow fight, yes i do... or rent out a bouncy castle! that would be so cooool! i remeber when i was a yound lad i was in my backgarden, back in good ol' brighton and i noticed alot of noise coming from the next doors garden and i jumped and looked over the fence and what did i see? A BOUNCY CASTLE! and my neighbor noticed me jumping up and down from the other side of the fence and asked me i fi wanted to join the other kids on the bouncy castle, well i wasted no time and ran through the back gate and into the bouncy castle, it was huuuuuuge and i bounced so high i went flying off and landed in a soft bush lol. those were the good old days... *sigh*

anyone else got any old memories or funny things that might of happened to you?
tell us all in a new post! lets get this random blog back on its feet! i wanna see each and everyone of you to post at least one memory! 

bye for now! =D

Sunday, 21 September 2008


You know... I think this place dies because people cant be bothered as they have their own blogs and shizzle as well as the fact that we usually just post pictures and stuff. Plus then because noone posts noone bothers to come back and check on it when someone does so yarr.

Phweedle de dee.
Being a pirate is all that you need!

Go hug Terry. :3

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Last try to revive

Say cheeeeeeze...

Friday, 19 September 2008

Ode to a dead blog...

PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERYYY!!!! - the randomer society

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Clogged pipes Me Lord?

Did the pipes get clogged when God tried to drain the remains of the great flood?