Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Lets start things off... my rant..

ellooo, im Nemo and this is my first blog..yay!

i thought i'd start things off with a rant - My day

today has been a real headache due to:
1) nightmares
2) lack of sleep
3) parents evening

so the first thing - nightmares. not rele nighmares but more like nightmare, the same nightmare over and over again, everytime i sleep. I dont really want to say what its about..why?..cuz i sed so :P!

the second thing lack of sleep. This is mostly due to number 1 but also because i keep falling off my bed at the end of every nightmare, the last time i fell i landed on my arm twice grrr. i keep falling asleep everywhere i go now...annoying! especially when i want to be all hyper...and can't!

Finaly the third thingy ma jiggy - Parents evening. My systems and control teacher decided to tell my mum a few stupid lies, like' he hasnt been coming in for afterschool so that he can make his design' WHAT!?! iv been staying behind for the last three days!! havnt u noticed the asian kid in the corner working his ass off!! And now my mum thinks im not gonna get into university so shes become a little strict - have to do three hours of work a day... like im gonna do that!?

ok well thas my first and last rant over...

i got a question - why are flamingos pink? why pink? why not red or blue or green?!
thats gonna be my question of the week.. yh!
stupid flamingos...

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